Navarasa Dance Theater, directed by visionary choreographers Aparna Sindhoor and Anil Natyaveda, presents A Story and A Song-a thrilling storytelling-theatrical performance that weaves together classical Indian dance, martial arts, aerial, theater, and live music in an artistic response to a call for care of the environment. Inspired by the ancient folk tale of a woman who transforms into a flowering tree, this production explores the delicate relationship between nature, love, and care. The tale, sourced from South Indian folklore as translated by A. K. Ramanujan, alongside Native American stories from Richard Erdoes and Alfonso Ortiz, forms the core of the performance work. Interweaving these timeless narratives with contemporary themes of environmental degradation, regeneration and resilience, A Story and A Song masterfully invites accountability for the ways humans treat the natural world. "A woman can become a flowering tree. When she is nurtured, she flourishes. But when abused-how does she survive?" This poignant question underscores the narrative, which is delivered with wit, humor, and stunning artistic expression.
Aparna Sindhoor draws deeply from her heritage, paying homage to folk songs passed down by her father and the alternative storytelling shared by her mother, resulting in a multifaceted immersive experience fueled by ancestral intelligence.
Navarasa Dance Theater has garnered international recognition for its bold fusion of performance styles, integrating the spiritual precision of Bharatanatyam with the dynamic fluidity of Kalari (Indian martial art) and the ethereal grace of aerial dance. The company's innovative productions, choreographed by Sindhoor and Natyaveda with dramaturgy by S M Raju and a musical score by world-renowned musician Guitar Prasanna have traveled N. America, Asia and Europe featured at prestigious venues including Lincoln Center, the Asian Art Museum, Bates Dance Festival, and East West Players.
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