The San Francisco Choral Society concludes its milestone 35th anniversary season with John Rutter's Magnificat, Giuseppe Verdi's Laudi alla Vergine Maria, Franz Biebl's Ave Maria, Pekka Kostiainen's Regina Angelorum, and Heinrich Isaac's Tota pulchra es, amica mea. Led by Artistic Director Robert Geary, the program explores biblical texts and prayers that invite reflection on the role of the Divine Feminine. Soprano Rabihah Dunn makes her SF Choral debut performing as soloist for Rutter's Magnificat and will also be joined by organist Christopher Keady.
This performance concludes SF Choral's 35th anniversary season, underscoring its prominence as the Bay Area's largest community chorus and a staple in the local arts scene. Despite the impact of the pandemic, the ensemble has demonstrated resilience and appeal to community and professional singers across the region. Of the 132 singers performing in the upcoming program, half are new since the group returned post-pandemic and 412 new singers in total have joined since that time.
As part of its commitment to new music, SF Choral is also dedicated to advancing new music by commissioning and performing works from local Bay Area composers such as Stacy Garrop (Terra Nostra), Eric Tuan (commissioned work coming in 2025), David Conte, and Mark Winges, among others. This December, they will present Befana, a one-act chamber opera by prominent Bay Area composer Kirke Mechem as part of their annual Festival of Carols. This commitment to innovation and collaboration is further embodied by the Summer Festival Chorus, which draws singers from across the U.S. and abroad to perform masterworks at Davies Symhony Hall. By leveraging the beauty and culture of San Francisco, the Summer Festival Chorus draws experienced local and global talent to participate in San Francisco's vibrant cultural tapestry.
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