ensemble132 presents a genre-bending program honoring the expansive legacy of two musical icons for their joint 150th birthday: Samuel Coleridge-Taylor and Maurice Ravel. This group of all-star chamber musicians drawn from the rosters of the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center, Marlboro Music Festival, Orpheus Chamber Orchestra and more, explores these composers' influence on other visionaries through the 20th and 21st centuries. ensemble132 traces these connections in a program featuring movements from Ravel's and Coleridge-Taylor's string quartets along with special e132 arrangements and a rollicking finale by Coleridge-Taylor Perkinson.
GatherNYC is a revolutionary concert experience founded in 2018 by cellist Laura Metcalf and guitarist Rupert Boyd. The 2024-2025 season includes 17-concerts that run from October 2024 through June 2025, with concerts held every other Sunday at 11am in The Theater at MAD.
Guests at GatherNYC are served exquisite live classical music performed by New York's immensely talented artists, artisanal coffee and pastries, a taste of spoken word, and a brief celebration of silence. The entire experience lasts one hour and evokes the community and spiritual nourishment of a religious service - but the religion is music, and all are welcome. Coffee and pastries are served before each performance at 10:30am.
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