Detecting Lung Cancer Early, Screening Test Recommendations & How It Works
Stanford Cancer Institute
Health & Wellness
Geographical Area:
San Francisco
End Date:
Start Time:
10:00 AM
End Time:
11:30 AM
Learn and chat about early detection of lung cancer with Dr. Natalie Lui, MD, Assistant Professor, Cardiothoracic Surgery (Thoracic Surgery), Stanford School of Medicine. You will explore: the screening test recommendations in the U.S., how the test works, and how it may benefit people who are currently eligible for early detection screening (those with tobacco smoking history).
We encourage you to have a conversation with Dr. Lui about the advancements in lung cancer screening and how it improves lung cancer survival.
Please register for this free Science Cafe event. Space is limited. The event will be in-person with no virtual attendance option.
Science Cafe is an educational program of Stanford Cancer Institute that provides general information only. Our speakers cannot provide medical advice. We recommend individuals work with a healthcare provider to discuss their unique medical situation.
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