On Liberating Our Relationships for a Better World: A Livestream Event
CIIS Public Programs
Political/Special Interest
Geographical Area:
San Francisco
End Date:
Start Time:
6:00 PM
End Time:
7:30 PM
Lifelong activist and educator Dean Spade dares us to decide that our interpersonal actions are not separate from our politics of liberation and resistance. Many activist projects and resistance groups fall apart because people treat each other poorly, trying desperately to live out the cultural myths about dating and relationships that we are fed from an early age.
How do we divest ourselves from the idea that one romantic partner will be the solution to all our problems? How do we bring our best thinking about freedom and justice into step with our desires for healing and connection?
Join Dean for a liberating conversation on how to combat cultural scripts and take our relationships into our own hands, better preparing us for the work of changing the world. Sharing from his latest book, Love in a F*cked-Up World Dean dares us to be the change we want to see-both out in the world, and amongst our closest connections.
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