April 9 Onsite 1:00pm - 6:00pm, April 10 MatchMaker Meetings online
Telecom Talks is Telecom Council's 2025 annual summit and draws a select group of telcos, telecom vendors, and communications startups from around the world to Silicon Valley to talk about the technologies impacting the telecom industry, the networks, and subscribers.
Because Telecom Council's community of innovation executives and tech scouts is focused on working with startups and new technologies across communications, our annual summit offers an intimate format structured to connect attendees around meaningful dialogue and business conversations.
AGENDA-AT-A-GLANCE Deployment Case Studies - Telecoms introduce select startup partners through case studies Curated Startup Pitches - 15 startups, including the Innovation Showcase Class of 2025, pitch telcos and VCs MatchMaker Meetings - Back-to-back, prearranged, 15-minute business introductions Product and Tech Demos - Visit the demo tables and discover new technologies Telco Tech Industry Mixer - 90 minutes of dedicated networking time to connect and discover synergies.
MATCHMAKER MEETING SERVICE: SPEED DATING For Telcos, Vendors, Investors and Startups During Telecom Talks, our curated MatchMaker will facilitate hundreds of private discussions between companies with mutual interest. These pre-arranged, introductory meetings are available on April 9th onsite in Silicon Valley and on April 10th conversations continue online in Telecom Council's Portal. More details on Telecom Council's MatchMaker Service at https://www.telecomcouncil.com/matchmaker-meeting-service
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