LWV Oakland to Host a Candidate Forum at Oakland City Hall
League of Women Voters of Oakland
Political/Special Interest
Geographical Area:
End Date:
Start Time:
10:30 AM
End Time:
2:00 PM
On Saturday, March 15, the League of Women Voters of Oakland is hosting an in-person candidate forum and an informational session at Oakland City Hall to support voter education for the upcoming April 15th special election in Oakland.
- 10:30 am: Informational Sessions About Ranked-Choice Voting and Pros & Cons on the Oakland Sales Tax Ballot Measure - 11:30 am: Oakland City Council District 2 Forum - 1:00 pm: Oakland Mayor Forum
The candidate forums will also be televised by KTOP, Oakland's cable access station, and live streamed on the City's website. Watch it streaming online at http://oaklandca.gov/oakmtg Tune in to KTOP channel 10 on Xfinity Comcast or channel 99 on AT&T U-verse
The candidate forums are an opportunity for the public to learn more about the candidates running in this special election, including their priorities, policies, and ideas for improving life in Oakland. The League of Women Voters always invites all eligible candidates in each race to participate.
As a non-partisan organization, the League has a proud history of conducting forums that are fair, balanced, and provide equal time to all candidates. Unlike a debate, where candidates interact with each other through rebuttals, a forum allows a larger number of candidates to participate by responding to questions posed by a moderator. Forums offer the public access in an impartial setting to learn about candidates, and in turn, educate candidates about key community issues.
The League of Women Voters of Oakland is proud to present the candidate forums in partnership with these community organizations: - Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Alpha Nu Omega Chapter - American Association of University Women (AAUW) Oakland-Piedmont Branch - Center for Elders Independence - Centro Legal de la Raza - National Coalition of 100 Black Women - Oakland Chinatown Coalition - Oakland Chinatown Improvement Council - Piedmont Pines Neighborhood Association - SPUR
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