Researching and Writing about History with Liam O'Donohue
California Writers Club - Berkeley
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End Date:
Start Time:
1:00 PM
End Time:
3:00 PM
Since 2016, East Bay Yesterday host Liam O'Donoghue has been transforming his local history research into articles, podcasts, and tours. In this presentation, he'll share some helpful tips he's learned over the years for turning facts, oral histories, and raw data into compelling narratives. This talk will cover researching, developing sources, conducting interviews, writing, and promotion (because we want people to actually read our work, right?)
Liam O'Donoghue is the host and producer of the East Bay Yesterday podcast, which airs on 94.1 KPFA-FM, and the Oakland columnist for SF Gate. His journalism has appeared in outlets such as KQED, Oaklandside, Berkeleyside, Mother Jones, Salon, East Bay Express, 99% Invisible, The Kitchen Sisters, and the syndicated NPR program Snap Judgement. O'Donoghue has given presentations on local history at libraries, schools and bookstores and throughout the Bay Area, as well as institutions such as Oakland Museum of California, The California Historical Society, The Commonwealth Club, and Berkeley City Club. Follow Liam's Substack for updates about his tours, events, and more.
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