UNCF 26th Annual Mayor's Masked Ball - hosted by Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin
United Negro College Fund, Inc.
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Join us Saturday, December 19, 2009 7 p.m at the The Atlanta Marriott Marquis, Atrium Ballroom for the UNCF 26th Annual Mayor's Masked Ball is one of metropolitan Atlanta's signature fund-raising galas and premier social events of the holiday season. Founded 25 years ago by former Mayor Andrew Young and Billye S. Aaron, the ball is hosted by the sitting mayor of Atlanta and local corporate sponsors. Its purpose is to involve celebrities, dignitaries, civic leaders, volunteers, public officials and other supporters in the annual local fund-raising activities of UNCF.
ATTIRE Ladies Long Gown and Mask / Gentlemen Black Tie and Mask
ENTERTAINMENT To be announced
FEATURING •The VIP Masked Award Gathering (by invitation only) •Holiday Silent Auction and Pre-Ball Reception •The Parade of Stars and Dignitaries •Elegant Dining •The Parade of Masks •Dancing and Live Entertainment
GOAL $1,000,000
HOW Corporations and community groups are invited to support the fund-raiser event with the purchase of sponsor packages ranging from $3,500-$50,000. Sponsor package benefits include sponsor tables for your guests and recognition at the event and in related advertising and promotional materials. Individual tickets are available for $500.
Location: The Atlanta Marriott Marquis Atrium Ballroom 265 Peachtree Center Avenue Atlanta, Georgia
Contact Information: Please fax confirmation to (404) 302-8608 or send via e-mail to marilyn.skrine-brown@uncf.org. For more information, please contact the UNCF office at (404) 302-8623.
Sponsor Information: For sponsorship and invitation information, please call (404) 302-8623. Make checks payable to UNCF. Credit cards are also accepted. Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law ($150 per person).
For more sponsor information, click here to download MayorsMaskedBallSponsorshippackage2009.pdf
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