National Organzation of Concerned Black Men Inc. Reception
National Organzation of Concerned Black Men Inc.
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The Board of the National Organization of Concerned Black Men Inc., (CBM) would like to cordially invite you to attend a National Conference/Membership Reception hosted by our Atlanta, GA. Chapter of Concerned Black Men Inc. to meet members of our Organization and more importantly, to learn more about becoming a prospective member of our Atlanta, GA. based Chapter. The National Conference/Membership Reception, will be hosted at the Doubletree Hotel Atlanta-Buckhead, 3342 Peachtree Road, NE Friday, December 10, 2004 from 7:30pm to 9:30pm. Drinks and refreshments will be provided.
The National Organization of Concerned Black Men, Inc. (CBM) is entering its 29th year of providing youth development services to children from disadvantaged communities. The vision of CBM’s founding members has expanded to include children and their parents nationwide, offering role models to children has remained CBM’s mission for more than a quarter of a century.
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