Hispanic Professional Social (HPS) Networking Social
Hosted by Hispanic Professional Socials (HPS), Coca-Cola Latino/Hispanic Employee Forum and KO & CCE Social Hour Planning Team
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End Date:
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We cordially invite all of the Hispanic/Latino Professionals and their prospective organizations
This is for any professional that would like a bit of life after work. Mingle with Atlanta's elite Hispanic Professionals in this Exclusive Monthly After-hours Social. Mingle with Atlanta's Elite Hispanic Professionals in this Exclusive Monthly After-Hours Social. There is a time to work& there is a time to network. Tell all colleagues, friends or co-workers. Impress your clients in an comfortable atmosphere with the sounds of Latin Jazz, Salsa, and the best collection of international rhythms. Reward all of your hard work with a night of easy listening & stimulating conversation.
FREE ENTRY - DRINK SPECIALS - STARTS AT 5:30PM. Bring your business cards to have the chance to WIN prizes-certificates to multiple restaurants and events. RSVP is Encouraged but not required to attend.
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