ABL / BRC Member Appreciation & Holiday Celebration benefiting Hosea Feed the Hungry & Homeless
The Atlanta Business League, The Atlanta Black Agenda Buisness Resource Center, Hosea Feed the Hungry & Homeless
Geographical Area:
End Date:
Start Time:
5:30 PM
End Time:
7:30 PM
Come celebrate and network while giving to those in need!
RSVP by December 10, 2004 to (404) 584-8126 or (404) 346-0808 or reply via e-mail to jbryson@theabl.org.
Unable to attend? Donations can be dropped off at either the ABL, 931 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, Atlanta, GA 30314 or the BRC, 3485 N. Desert Drive, Building 2, Suite 109, Atlanta, GA 30344.
Hosea Feed the Hungry & Homeless is also in need of warmth items to distribute during the dinner. Warmth items needed include new or gently used coats, sweaters, gloves, socks, thermal underwear, blankets, etc. for men, women and children. Their goal is not to turn away anyone who needs these items.
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