12th annual Hands On Atlanta Martin Luther King, Jr. Service Summit
Hands On Atlanta
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The Service Summit includes three days of workshops, cultural programming and volunteer opportunities. The Service Summit offers many unique opportunities for individuals of all ages and civic, youth and corporate groups to remember and celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. King and to act on his vision for the future. Participants are encouraged to attend any combination of events throughout the weekend.
On Saturday, the summit schedule includes a freedom rally, keynote presentations and a variety of workshops on social activism. Sunday’s events celebrate the relationship between faith, nonviolent social protest and service. Participants can take a bus tour of sites that had an important role in the civil rights movement in Atlanta or attend one of the social issue documentary film screenings. On Monday, Hands On Atlanta invites participants to use their King holiday as “a day on, not a day off” by taking part in service projects throughout Atlanta.
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