Sponsorship Levels
Gate City Bar Association
$10,000 Platinum
Corporate Signage
Two Corporate tables of ten tickets, respectively, to Hall of Fame Dinner
Co-host Honorees reception
Sponsor remarks & recognition
Back cover of program booklet
Representative seated on the dias
Corporate identity on all printed materials
Inclusion in press release/publicity
Distribute promotional literature or product
$5,000 Gold
Corporate signage
One Corporate table of ten tickets to Hall of Fame Dinner
Four tickets to Honorees reception
Sponsor recognition
Inside front or Inside back cover of program booklet
Corporate identity on all printed materials
Inclusion in press release/publicity
Distribute promotional literature or product
$3,000 Silver
Corporate Signage
One Corporate table of ten tickets to Hall of Fame Dinner
Two tickets to Honorees reception
Sponsor recognition
Full page advertisement in program booklet
Distribute promotional literature or product
$1,500 Bronze
One Corporate table of ten tickets to Hall of Fame Dinner
Two tickets to Honorees reception
Corporate signage
Sponsor Recognition
Half page advertisement in program booklet
$1,000 Corporate Benefactors
One Corporate table of ten tickets to Hall of Fame Dinner
Sponsor listing
Sponsor recognition